Monday 18 June 2012







Wednesday 13 June 2012


At July 1999 there are several psycho grinder from Wijayakusuma University of Purwokerto makes a group bands "PERNICIEUS" with grindcore music.The first line up are : Theycka (Bass /Voc), Boy (Guitar), Fully (drum).Chandra (BOROX-Tangerang grindcore) join with the band as drummer at December 2000, he changed Fully's position,First Fully is a drummer than he changed as a guitarist. Pernicieus recorded 2 songs that summarized in promotape 2001 with the title TRAGICAL MOTHERLAND.
Imam join with the band as a vocalist at october 2002 and than Pernicieus changed the name of the band become PERNICIOUS HATE ( PH )

PH try to recorded "In Fear" song that we consider as a weapon and we got the good result.for sound of grindcore character that we want.But for a moment at April 2003 Fully retired from PH and join with KREMUSH ( Purwokerto old death metal).After that Fully's position changed by Iwan ( BRUTAL CREMATION-Purwokerto brutal death).Not need long time Gogick join as rythm guitarist.

Line up are: Imam (voc), Iwan (guitar), Gogick (rythm guitar),Theycka (bass), Chandra (drum)
PH recorded 11 songs at February 2004 that we summarized in CD demo 2004.July 2004 we recorded again 4 songs and was born "DISGRACE WORLD" the full first length album of PH with 15 crazy songs released by EDELWEISS RECORD.

Disgrace World album was launched at 20 November 2005 at Cundomanik Building of Purwokerto. Gogick retired from PH at February 2006 because he graduated from his study and work in Jakarta,and also Chandra at September 2008.after chandra resign PH supported by woro,eqy,AA as additional drummer
June 2009 Alung join PH as guitarist 2 and resign November 2009
Godex join PH as additional drummer at November 2009
Ifa join as additional bass at july 2010
Kemal & Anton as additional drum at september 2010


* Promo tape 2001
* Comp.Brutally Sickness # Molested And Dismembered #Extreme Soul Production Bandung 2002
* Demo CD 2004
* Comp. Reign In Blood #In Blood Record Bandung 2004
* Comp. Dimensi Kematian# Edelweiss Production Jakarta 2004
* I’st Album #Disgrace World# Edelweiss Production Jakarta 2005
* Comp.Brutal Disaster #Raw As War# No Label Records Surabaya 2006
* Comp. Epidemic Of Brutality#Beginning Of Torture#Psychosm Production Makassar 2006
* Comp.Metalik Klinik 9# Final # Rotorcorp Production Jakarta 2006
* Comp. Bleeding Radiation# Grind Feast#Radiasi Production Jombang 2007
*comp.Java Extreme Metal#1#Death Rivers Production Jakarta 2010
*Comp.Brutal Disaster#Chapter Sick#No Label Records Surabaya 2010
*Comp.Purwokerto Conspiracy#Broken Soul Production Purwokerto 2010
*Comp.Indonesia Underground#3 Edelweiss Production Jakarta 2010
*Comp.Bleeding Orgasm#Bleeding Orgasm Production Medan 2010



I KILLED MY HONEY is a SCREAMO/POSTHARDCORE band that formed in early 2008 in Kediri - East Java - Indonesia.
Starting from the idea Rendra and danduk (RIP) to make a band with a genre of screamo, they began looking for personnel.
and the form was "the day after tommorow" (the name before I KILLED MY HONEY) with the formation Danduk(RIP) as Vocalist, Renda as Bassist, Venz as Guitarist, Adebk as Drummer.
because Adebk resigned from I KILLED MY HONEY to focus on another band that is "my friend project" then Aldo (Vasomortus guitarist) came forward to replace Adebk on drums. because I KILLED MY HONEY felt the lack of personnel, I KILLED MY HONEY recruit Zackill (Vasomortus Bassist) to become the second guitarist. This formation only lasted until mid-2010 because Danduk vocalist of I KILLED MY HONEY dead, and Aldo quit the band because he was busy with school. to fill the void vocalist. I KILLED MY HONEY recruit Dede and Bagooz to get into the squad, and to fill vacancy drummer, Adebk came back into the band. and this formation has survived until now!

solid formations:
-Dede as vocal-
-Bagooz as vocal-
-Zackill as guitarist-
-Venz as guitarist-
-Renda as bassist-
-Adebk as drummer-



Beware, Evilangelists and the worst of Charlatans! The new breed of pure Asian soul eaters have arisen to shock your every systems! From the hot and tempting soil of Indonesia, please welcome : FUNERAL INCEPTION...!

Previously recognized as Bloody Gore, the band releases two mini-CDs, entitling “Stench Of Your Perversion” and “Blood Driven Vehemence”, under Fetal Tampon Disease Records USA and Uxicon Records, Belgium.

In May 2002, the band changed its name to FUNERAL INCEPTION and recruit Pandi Ghebes (Sadistis) to fill the drum position, and recorded the debut album “Anthems Of Disenchantment” in Palu Studio, Jakarta. The band created ten solid songs which represents the starting point of FUNERAL INCEPTION new musical direction and mostly differ from what Bloody Gore has achieved previously.

In March 2003, the bass-thumper, Mithos, has retired to concentrate on his study, followed by Rio (guitar) who later established the phenomenal label called Rottrevore Records. Along with Pandi, the whole band thinks that it´s time to focus on its brand new musical direction.

The band´s influential vocalist, Doni, has been involved with several musicians in order to get better sounds, and later come up with the single “All Gods Children Must Die”. As time goes by, inescapable personnel commutation even occurs.

By 2006, the band reemerged with tough-sounding line-up: Doni (vocals), Heldevy (guitars), Iwan (guitars), Roni (bass) and AA (drums). They started to get more attention from the local, they recorded 10 new songs at Studio Oranye, Jakarta. The album was mixed scene and play hundreds of shows mostly in Jakarta and other towns.

Whilst the band got busy with touring, they produce new materials for their 2nd full length album. In October 2007and mastered by Joteng Kampret, a legendary engineer from Bandung, whom also guitarist of ‘Forgotten’.

FUNERAL INCEPTION´s second full-length album, “H.A.T.E”, represents abbreviation of ‘Heathen Against Terrorizing Entities’. The terminology shows an extreme point of view from the band, seeing the religious social political reality which grown in their society.

Rottrevore Records released the album in CD only for Indonesia´s market. Along the way, the album has been distributed in limited basis to other countries, such as the USA, Germany, Finland, Poland and Italy. The band receives various positive feedbacks, notably for its different style of death metal sound. Some eager fans even asked for the translation of some of its Indonesian lyrics.

Just like the first album, some featured songs in this album are also included in several international compilation releases, as well as getting continuous airplay from some extreme metal radio in the USA, France, Germany and Russia.

By mid 2008, Heldevy (guitars) retired due to the family issue, and was replaced by Nyoman, the guitarist from death metal band, DROP.

Clip for the song off the second album entitling “Surga Dibawah Telapak Kaki Anjing” (“Heaven is under the Palm of Dog Feet”) was shot in rural area of Purwokerto in early December 2008.

Not long after the video clip was shown, drummer Achmad Mustaid a.k.a AA also resigns. His position is temporarily filled by some additional drummers to accommodate the busy schedules at those times, in 28 january , Adhytia Perkasa has joined the band and giving his best for the band. Recently, Iwan Budiarto called his quits from the band and focusing on his new family. The band are now looking for another lead guitaris to fill the show.

1 August Garry Martinus Runtunuwu Ex-Betrayer has joined with Funeral Inception and giving his best for the band present.

We are FUNERAL INCEPTION ready to burn your brain, soul and imagination you all the metalhead.
new materials, new concepts and structures as well as portions that different from the previous musicality.


- Doni Herdaru : Vocal
- Gatot Hardiyanto : Drums
- Arslan Musyifia : Bass
- Ai : Guitars
- Fadjar Ramadhan : Guitars



DWF are ;

Vocal : Oja
Guitar : Kumank
Bass / Vocal : Bagas
Synth / Techno: Angga
Drum : Febby

DWF tebentuk pada awal tahun 2010
ketika itu Line Up DWF ber-personilkan Oja sebagai Vokalis, Kumank dan Angga sebagai Gitaris, Bagas Sebagai Basis, dan Febby sebagai Drumer, ketika itu pun DWF masih ber-genre Metal. seiring waktu berjalan, DWF pun menambahkan 1 personil lg untuk mengisi posisi Gitar. karena Angga (yg asalnya mengisi posisi gitar) pindah ke posisi synth/techno. krna DWF merubah genre nya menjadi (TranceCore) dan ketika itu DWF menambahkan "Dyan" sebagai gitaris barunya. tak lama waktu berjalan, Dyan pun Out dwr DWF krna alasan tertentu. dimulai dari situlah DWF hanya memiliki 1 gitaris (Kumank)

Alhamdulillah, sampai sekarang DWF masih ber-pesonilkan tetap seperti awal mula terbentuk DWF. hanya dengan Angga yg berasalkan mengisi posisi gitar menjadi mengisi posisi Synth/Techno.

mungkin banyak yg bilang kalo DWF itu meniru Attack Attack! ? salah besar kalo kita meniru Attack Attack!. DWF hanya mengagumi Attack Attack! dan mencoba untuk menyamai (bkn mengikuti) Attack Attack! . karena Attack Attack! adalah salah satu band yg menginspirasi kita untuk bermusik.

kalian pada tau yg berjudul "For You Forever"?. dan ternyata banyak yg bilang bahwa lagu itu sangat mirip dengan lagu Attack Attack! yg Stick Stickly. kita jg disini mau konfirmasi tentang masalah lagu itu. kita tidak pernah mengikuti atau menyamai lagu org lain. mungkin faktor "Kebeneran" lagu itu bisa hampir mirip. emg siapa yg mau sih lagu sendiri sama kaya lagu org lain? pasti ga mau lah. dgn masalah tersebut insya Allah kita bakal aransement ulang lagu "For You Forever" :D

kita disini bermusik bukan beralasan untuk mencari ketenaran atau materi. no 1 alasan kita bermusik adalah hanya untuk menyalurkan hobi.
mungkin banyak yg bilang jg klo kita itu sombong. waduh, salah besar. coba buktikan aj kalian nongkrong bareng kita. insya Allah pasti konyol. hahaha
kita sendiri sering mendefinisikan kalo DWF itu bukan Band, tp Group lawak. hahaha :)) krna kita memang suka becanda. namun ada waktu tertentu jg untuk serius :D

salah satu prinsip DWF ketika manggung adalah selalu menomor satukan perfomance. tp dengan sound yg bagus jg :D hehe
knp kita menomor satukan perfomance? krna kita manggung itu untuk menghibur para penonton. namanya jg penonton, pasti fokus nonton (melihat) bkn fokus mendengarkan :)) betul? haha

gakan panjang lebar lagi deh, kita cmn mau memberitahu kalian jg.
kita band Indonesia
kita bangga pada Indonesia
dan kita selalu gerak cepat :D